welcome to my world.
the exhibitions + program + prelude + overture


the program.
the mothership
exhibitions i - xi + prelude + overture (pending operation)
i am the

there is no nudity in the muse(um) u fucking perverts.
however there are strong themes of sex & violence & a lot of profanity n detailed descriptions of severe trauma due to all of the trauma i have experienced n i will be discussing all of it in here & i am not holding back. there is no topic that is taboo to discuss in my space. n if my story is too much for u to handle then go watch teletubbies bc ur clearly not strong enuf to face the reality of just how evil this world is n to see the truth of the evil that more than likely lives inside of u n also inside ur loved ones. if u all truly love each other as u say u do, i highly recommed that u visit the muse(um) as a family unit bc in here i am holding every single character every single hierarchy from the omegas to the alphas from the newborn babies to the eldest greatest grand mamas n the grand papas. i'm even holding the tru creators of this uni accountable. bc i can do that. bc of my position in this world. n bc i know they know i will humbly accept if i am wrong n bc they know that i know that they will humbly accept if they are wrong. n together we all make it right. n while i strongly believe that children need to eventually know these truths bc my story is the reality of why ur children are in so much danger n without my story u can't properly protect or raise them n they need to know why ur being so strict, i cannot be there to deliver it to them to ensure they interpret what i am saying correctly, n so until this world has matured, for now this space is only for u adults to get ur shit together so u all can actually be safe to be around n raise children the correct way. altho i wouldn't be surprised if ur kids understood this better than u hard headed know it all adults who apparently can't be taught any fucking new tricks.
[ p r e l u d e ] i bet.

do i make u sweat?

m e o w
don mother fucking piss me off. OH.
ima kitten but i aint kidden
s u n

A T T E N T I O N listen up pups. i am a kitten n ur my dawgs that need training. cuz i cannot stand ur fucking miss. behaviors. n so i will smack the common sense back into u w ma qt kitten mitten paw paw.
pls read the manifesto if u would like to trade something of equal value instead.
top secret training in disguise as a muse(um) but is actually also fr a muse(um)
give a dawg a bone
38$Every week4 those not yet sure about diving all the way into the primordial ocean of truth n so u just wanna dip urpinky toes in to see how it feels first n work up ur obedience confi so u don't drown- access to the entire muse(um) except archives + lives + laws
bite training
88$Every month4 those still cookin in the oven n not yet ready 4 committing 2 joining the ranks in this spiritual war but u know u want 2 u just need a bit more time 2 get ready ur not a microwave din so i get it- access to everything except diamond in the ruff ruff lives
diamond in the ruff ruff
388$Every 6 months4 those who r fully committed n ready to join the ranks in this spiritual war bc once u commit there's no going back. never fold. become a weapon. we got demons 2fry like a fish fillet sizz sizzle.- access to the entire mothership muse(um)
the muse.
in addition 2being the og muse + the 1st princess ever + an aNgEl + n gOdDeSs i am also alpha female president of the u n i + the verse i am singing for u n i rn for this magic moment in time...im here 2train u for spiritual war so we can defeat evil n be the greatest things that ever lived now get in line(ment) + in tune w the rhythm of my heart beats like the war drum boom boom BOOM.there ain't enuf room for those evil alien mushrooms in any room in my house.p.s. everyone does their chores for the day.or i will fight u.